Thursday, 4 September 2008

Bento #3 - Mr Pooh

Another day of Simple lunch bento. Today's menu will be Pooh Ham and Cheese Sandwiches served with Pooh Head print hard-boiled egg and some Prunes wedges. I starts to find it so interesting to prepare our own bento lunchbox. Although it might be just some simple food but the taste and sight is much more heart warming, nothing compare to homemade lunchbox especially it is with the help of my little Reyon.

As usual, we prepared most of the ingredients the night before so that in the morning it won't be so rush to get everything ready within limited time. Reyon enjoys the process of helping me out on my lunch bento and it's also a way of our bonding time to prepare something together. We have the bread, ham and cheese cut then kept either in the box or fridge. So on the next day morning, reyon will be able to help me assemble them while I pan-fry the ham and boil the egg. I tried not to overwork ourself on the preparation process so I only plan to bring bento lunch either twice or three time a week. Reyon loves this bento set very much especially the Pooh Egg, he even protest that I cannot take the egg which is one of his favourite snack :) Posted by Picasa

You can find the sample of the cutter and mould use on these links:
1. Medium Size Pooh Cutter
2. Small Size Pooh Cutter
3. Pooh Egg Mould

For More Details:
1. Check it up @ My Bento Collection Site


  1. Hi Ellena,

    Your pooh sandwich look really good !! I am a pooh fan. I am just wondering where u bought the pooh cutter for the sandwich ? Tks


  2. Hi Elizabeth,

    Thanks for dropping by and your kind comments :) You can get the cutter either drop by or pre-order from a shop call Kaikai at Chinatown Point. :) HTH


  3. Ellena, loved your Pooh sandwich and egg! any idea where ONLINE i could order the cutter and mold? i'm in southern California... thanks!

  4. Hi Sharily,

    Thanks for dropping by and your kind comments. You can try to get the items from Ebay or at this site... but then the price will be higher rather than purchase from shop. HTH :)



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Ellena (Cuisine Paradise)
