Sunday, 7 September 2008

Macadamia Nut & Chocolate Fudge Brownies

Made this Macadamia Nut & Chocolate Fudge Brownies this afternoon based on the same recipe that I used for Dual Chocolate Fudge Brownie(click here for recipe). This round, I add in macadamia nut instead of white chocolate and I had reduce the oven temperature to 170 degree instead of 180 degree. I cut short the baking time to about 23 minutes and it did improved the inner texture a bit but then it is still not as sticky as I expected. Maybe I shall try to reduce the timing to about 18 - 20 minutes instead and add in maybe another one more row of chocolate..... hehehe... Overall this round it did taste better, more moist and soft. Reyon ate two slices immediately after it is slightly cool off from the tray.

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