Tuesday, 2 September 2008

Dual Chocolate Fudge Brownies

Although I love to eat brownies but then I don't really make it at home because I knew that it's not really easy to make a good, moist and chewy brownies using home ingredients. But after hearing my friend Tracy mentioning about her homemade chocolate brownies being wipe off the tray by all her family memebers, I decided to try out the recipe that she gave me. Everything went on perfectly except that because I am using the rectangle brownies tin and maybe due to my oven temperature(mine is fan forced oven) the interior part of the brownies is too dry and crumbs like you see from the above picture.

But this does not affect the overall taste of the brownies as it is still very fragrant and full of chocolate taste. From the recipe that Tracy given to me, I use Grand Marnier instead of Vanilla Essence and I also add in grated orange rinds from one orange. The combination of chocolate and orange really makes the brownies extra fragrant and tastier.

Reyon and I love this little treats and he insists to try it out after it had being cool from the oven tray while we are preparing for tomorrow bento ingredients. Thank you tracy for sharing this wonderful recipe with us dispite that I had made some error on the baking time....... :) Posted by Picasa

250g Butter, melted
1 1/4 Cup Sugar
1 Teaspoon Grand Marnier
4 Eggs
1 1/3 Cup Flour
1/2 Cup Cocoa Powder
1 Teaspoon Baking Powder
Pinch of Salt
1 Grated Orange Rinds
125g Dark Chocolate, roughly chopped
100g White chocolate, for topping(optional)

1. Put the butter in a microwave safe bowl and melt it on high 2 minutes, pause to stir after each minute.
2. Sift all the flour ingedients and salt together and set aside.
3. Next add in the sugar to the melted butter and stir till the sugar almost melted and gluey.
4. When the sugar mixture is cool off, add in the egg one by one and whisk until well combine.
5. Next stir in the flour mixture into the egg mixture till well combine.
6. Add in the orange rinds and chopped dark chocolate and stir till combine then pour into a square or rectangle brownie tin.
7. Bake in a preheat 180 degree oven and bake for about 20 - 30 minutes depend on the tin size.
8. The brownie will pull away from the sides of the pan and when test with a skewer, it will be a bit moist inside.
9. Cool. Cut into bars.

a) I used 1 cup brown sugar and 1/4 cup castor sugar
b) If using those black coated baking tin, you have to reduce baking time by 5 - 10 minutes.

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