Sunday, 21 September 2008

Lavender-Cointreau Baked Seafood

Lavender is a genus of about 25–30 species of flowering plants in the mint family. The plant is also grown commercially for extraction of lavender oil from the flowers. This oil is used as an antiseptic and for aromatherapy. Lavender flowers can be candied and are used as cake decoration. Lavender is also used as a herb, either alone or as an ingredient it is also used to flavour sugar, the product being called "lavender sugar", and the flowers are occasionally sold in a blend with black, green, or herbal tea, adding a fresh, relaxing scent and flavour.

You can use this Lavender-Cointreau Dressing for baking other seafood like Prawn or Scallop. Since I still have some frozen scallop in the freezer, I took one of it to bake with the reminding sauce.

1 Large Scallop
1 Tablespoon of Lavender-Cointreau Dressing
Some Fresh Lemon Rinds
Pinch Of Chilli Flakes

1. Rinse and clean the scallop well, pad dry and place it on a big of aluminum foil, fold the sides up to form a parcel so that the sauce will be within the foil when baking.
2. Top the scallop with lemon rind, Lavender-Cointreau Dressing and chilli flakes and baked in the toaster oven for about 3-5 minutes depending on the thickness.
3. Remove it from foil and place it on serving plate.

Lavender + Cointreau + Blueberry + Lemon Rinds + Cod Fillet = Lavender & Blueberry Baked Cod Fillet. What do you think of these combination? Do you dare to give it a try? It's really a combination of favour, fragrant and taste. If you have these ingredients in your pantry, do give it a try and you will be surprised with the outcome :)

1 Piece of Cod Fillet, about 150g
6 Fresh Blueberries
Some Fresh Lemon Rinds
2 - 3 Cherry Tomato, halves
2 Tablespoons of Lavender-Cointreau Dressing

1. Wash and pad dry the cod fillet then place in on the middle of an rectangle aluminum foil, fold the four sides up to form a rectangle parcel so that the sauce will be within the foil when baking.
2. Top the cod fillet with blueberries, lemon rind, cherry tomato and the Lavender-Cointreau Dressing and baked in the toaster oven for about 7 - 10 minutes depending on the thickness of the fillet.
3. When the fillet is cooked, remove it and place it on serving plate and drizzle the sauce from the fish parcel to the fillet.

To make the Lavender-Cointreau Dressing, it's not necessary that you must have Cointreau. You can replace it with Grand Marnier or Orange Juice if this dish is to serve to kid.Posted by Picasa

Ingredients: (makes about 150ml dressing)
1 Teaspoon of Honey
3 Tablespoon of Olive Oil
1/2 Teaspoon Dried Lavender
1 Tablespoon of Lemon Juice
1 Tablespoon of Cointreau

1. Place all the ingredients in a small saucepan or frying pan over moderate heat, stirring with a spoon at all time, until ingredients caramelised into a sticky sauce. (it will be about 3 - 4 minutes)
2. Remove from heat and allow to cool then use it for drizzle over the seafood before baking.


  1. Oooo....cod fish, blueberries and lavender...sounds like a perfect combination!!~
    I liked the way you presented it classy:D

  2. wow what a classy creation, love the name and look of the dish. The lavender dressing sounds really good, I will try it out next time if I have dried lavenders :) Thanks for visiting me, I am a huge fan of your blog ... your recipes are fantastic ^_^

  3. Hi noobcook,

    Thanks for referring my recipe on your blog... it's a pleasure for me to know you thru the link. You have a fantastic blog too.... :) Love the way u present it... Keep it up!

  4. Hi I was wondering here you get your dried lavender from please? Have been everywhere for them! Oh, and I really like your blog. It has been very helpful :)


    1. Hi Sury, if you are in Singapore you can get dried lavender from Chinese Medical Hall or baking stores such as Phoon Huat. HTH

    2. Yes, I am in Singapore. I have not seen them in my local Phoon Huat but I may go ask around some medical halls - never thought to search there! Thank you so much ... you are really a great fount of information (love your Kitchen Pantry section)!


  5. Hi,
    Sorry if this is not relevant, but since you managed to get dried lavenders, i am wondering if you have any idea where to get fresh lavender for culinary? Or the fresh lavender in a floral shop will do?


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