Tuesday, 2 September 2008

Benton #2

Bento is a single-portion takeout or home-packed meal common in Japanese cuisine. A traditional bento consists of rice, fish or meat, and one or more pickled or cooked vegetables as a side dish. And it is still common for Japanese homemakers to spend considerable time and energy producing an appealing boxed lunch. Recently a few of my blogger friends and I are sort of into the Bento craze, we are so impressed by a few of the bento bloggers and we also start to try preparing our own lunch bento.

For the start of the week which is a Monday, I choose something easy, sweet and colourful to brighten up the week. Reyon and I are very excited about preparing this bento lunch. After making the Chocolate Fudge Brownie, we starts to source for a suitable box, the shape of Onigiri mould, the fried rice ingredients and etc. I wrapped the fried rice Onigiri with either Fish Floss or Sandwich Cheese then decorate with Nori sheet. And this is the 2nd time that I have prepared bento to work, the very first round is making the Mini Pooh Bento Box for my colleagues as snacks.

This show a cross section of my Fish floss fried rice Onigiri. I packed my lunch bento with 2 fried rice onigiri, 2 square cubes of chocolate fudge brownies and some prunes wedges. Although it's a very simple lunch bento but I think it is definitely more healthier than those outside food. Posted by Picasa

For More Details:
1. Check it up @ My Bento Collection Site


  1. that looks so yummy!!!
    Well done Ellena.

  2. Thank you Jessica.... :) How are you getting on?

  3. WOW! That's such an impressive pack!! Definitely healthier than outside food, and must taste much better! Little Reyon is such a blessed boy... =)

    Well done, Lena!!

  4. Hi stardust, thanks for your comments. I still got a lot of bento making tips to ask your advise leh... :p

    I am sure coming future, your kids will have even nicer bento than reyon :)


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Ellena (Cuisine Paradise)
