Thursday, 2 August 2012

Hokkaido Chiffon Cupcakes - 北海道蛋糕

Hokkaido Chiffon Cupcakes (北海道蛋糕) is one of the popular cupcakes that many home bakers had made. In Singapore you can find this soft and fluffy cupcakes selling at some of the housing estate bakeries or brands such as Polar and Puff.

This recipe has being in my "keep in view (KIV)" list for quiet sometime and is only until about 2 weeks ago when Joyce bought a box of this similar Hokkaido Cake (read more here), it actually triggers our baking bug to try making it on our own.


So after hearing good feedback from Joyce (my facebook co-admin) earlier this week on her homemade Hokkaido Cupcakes, I decided to bake some on Tuesday for mum's early birthday treat as well as packing a few for her church friends. And with some hands-on experience on making chiffon cakes (recipes)before it is quiet easy for me to follow the steps shared by Sonia (Nasi Lemak Lovers).

Recipe adapted from Sonia, Nasi Lemak Lover website HERE.

(Make : 16 Cupcakes     | Preparation: 10 minutes  | Cooking: 25 minutes)

6 Egg Yolks
40g Caster Sugar
70ml Corn Oil
100ml Fresh Milk
1/2 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract
140g Cake Flour
6 Egg Whites
50g Caster Sugar

1. Preheat the oven to 170°C (Degrees Celsius) and whisk egg yolks and sugar till pale in colour. (I used a hand beater and it takes about 5 minutes)

2. Next whisk in corn oil and half the amount of fresh milk and vanilla extract till well mixed.

3. Slowly add in sifted flour and remaining fresh milk, stir using the hand whisk till combined. Set aside.

4. Set the speed of electric beater to low and beat egg whites until foamy. Divide the sugar into 3 batches and add in slowly while beating the whites at medium speed until it reaches soft peak form. (a soft peak is reached when the beaters are pulled out of the whites and the peaks that form droop)

5. Scoop 1/3 of the egg whites and use a hand whisk to mix it evenly into egg yolk batter.

7. Next fold in balance whites in two batches with spatula till well combined.

8. Scoop batter into arrange paper liners to slightly more than 3/4 cup full and bake in preheated oven (middle rack) for about 20 - 25 minutes (depending on the size).

9. When done, remove from the baking tray and cool it on rack before making the custard fillings (for your information the cake will shrunk a bit after being remove from the oven).

Ingredients For Custard:
120ml Whipping Cream
20g Caster Sugar
2 Teaspoon Instant Custard Powder
1/2 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract

1. Prepare some ice water in a basin, place mixing box which contain the whipping cream and sugar in it.

2. Beat the cream on medium low speed until soft peak, add in vanilla extract and custard powder.

3. Continue to beat for a few more seconds till firm and well combined.

4. Scoop custard cream into piping bag and pipe the cream into the cool cupcakes. When done, dust with some icing sugar and decorate with some seasonal fresh fruit if you desire.

5. Keep it in the keep for about an hour or so before consume so that the custard will firm up by then and the cake will taste more flavorsome.

Nicely packed as for giveaway to mum's friends

The texture of these chiffon cupcakes are very light, airy and it's so soft that it taste quiet similar to Japanese Cotton Cheesecake. From what I have Google there are a few similar recipes in which either more milk (like this recipe above),  more egg whites than yolks or adding of baking powder or cream of tatar in the ingredients list. No matter which recipe(s) you trying I am sure there is one that suits you well.

And if you don't like the "egg smell", you can always add in some vanilla extract or vanilla sugar to make it more fragrant to taste. Other than the "plain" version I have also made another "Chocolate Hokkaido Chiffon Cupcakes" shown above upon my boy's request which I would share the recipe on next post.


  1. Oooooh! I love the chocolate ones! They're both gorgeous tho :)

    1. Thanks Parsley, you should try baking some over at your side. It really taste great!

  2. So this is what you have been busy baking. So nice!

    1. Lolz... I am testing on my creativity lolz.

  3. Hi Ellana, I love Hokkaido Chiffon cakes. They are just addictive! I've tried baking once but i've eaten many store-bought ones. Hmmm.... chocolate flavour... Have you tried the durian flavour? I've seen the strawberry ones too.

    1. Hi Faeez,

      I have thought of making Durian flavour but then durian seems to be out of season now, so must wait a while more when they are back in peak.

  4. very nicely presented!

  5. Wow, your Hokkaido chiffon look so beautiful, well done. Thanks for your shout out by the way.

  6. So beautiful Ellena!! I've seen Sonia's and Mel's blog - I hope I can try these one day.

    1. Hi Nami, you should try. Sonia's recipe is good!!!!!!

  7. wow beautiful, thanks alot for sharing this recipe, makes me wanna bake them too!


    1. You should try making some Xiaoxiao! It's very simple and yet yummy as compared to some store bought.

  8. Can I use normal custard powder? I can't find instant ones

  9. Hi, can I use plain flour or self-rising flour instead of cake flour?

    5. Scoop 1/3 of the egg whites and use a hand whisk to mix it evenly into egg yolk batter.

    7. Next fold in balance whites in two batches with spatula till well combined.

    For step 5 & 7, can we just combine to one? i.e. mix whites with egg yolk batter till well combine?

    1. Hi Lolandra

      Yes, you can used plain flour but not self-raising flour :)

      For steps 5 - 7, you have to follow cannot lump them together or else your cake batter will be heavy and the cake will collapse :)

  10. why for the cupcake ingredient you have 2 portion of caster sugar - 40g and 50g?
    does it mean i need to put in 90g?

    sorry for asking i'm abit noob in baking... :P

  11. Hi there,
    Can I add cream of tar tar when beating the egg whites?
    Thank you.


  12. Hi Ellena, need some advise from you…tried making these cakes on earlier but the cakes turns out to be bitter (seems like its from the cream) :(

    Not sure why and what could have happened, so wanna hear from the expert :)

    Troubled, Becky

    1. Hi Becky,

      The bitter taste is it due to the custard powder or did you add in icing sugar?

  13. Hi thanks for this! May I ask how any days these cupcakes can store?

    1. Hi Cherie, it depend what type of cream you filled in the cupcake. Normally it will be able to keep for 2-3 day in the fridge.

  14. Yeah, i want to know too how long it can last without refrigerating it? As it has cream filling


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Ellena (Cuisine Paradise)
