Wednesday, 30 August 2006

Hakka Khau Yoke(Yam With Pork Belly)

I had heard a lot of good comments and feedbacks on this dish, so I thought just give it a try since my hubby is also a Hakka. To him, this is the 1st time trying out this special Hakka dish. Even though both my in-laws are Hakka, but they had never cooked this dish at home before.

Saw a few recipes in the net, but finally decided to try the recipe from Food Heaven(Lillian Chan). Since she did not mention some of the sauce measuring quantity, I also don't really know whether my version of the Khau Yoke is the correct taste. But overall, the red fermented beancurd taste is strong, maybe I had added too much of it... But for those who is interested, you can take a look at both the recipes. Another one is from Waitakere Redneck's Kitchen.Posted by Picasa


  1. wow lena, u've been making alot of pork belly dishes recently :p so which is the best among all that u tried?

  2. Em... i still prefer the dried kong ba bao 1... the sauce is nice.. :)

  3. yummy! I love pork belly dishes!

  4. wow this is an ambitious dish! congrats to you!! aww... i wish they sold pork belly in america! (where i currently am now)

  5. Hi Diddy and Spot,

    Thanks for dropping by my blog...

  6. Hi Ellena

    I'm searching for this recipe, this come as a good reference. Thanks :-)

    My dad used to cook this dish, but he was not around anymore and left no recipe.

    I don't remember him using osyter sauce, so i think the ingredients my dad used is like what stated in - Waitakere Redneck's Kitchen.


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