Wednesday, 2 August 2006

Blueberry Cream Cheese Muffins

Em.... After seeing Evan making all sorts of muffins, I also having this mood of making some with reyon. So this morning, we made this for our breakfast. These mini muffins include some cream cheese, blueberry jam as a stuffing inside. So you can taste some extra cheesy and it's moist in texture because of some extra jam fillings.

It's really very easy to prepare muffins, but for this cream cheese muffin you need to do abit more of the wash-up. This recipe stated below can make 12 mini size muffins.

145g Self-Raising Flour, sifted
50g Caster Sugar
50g Butter, melted and cooled
85ml Fresh Milk
1 Egg, lightly whisked
1/2 Teaspoon Vanilla Essence
75g Fresh/Frozen Blueberries
30g Cream Cheese, cut into small cubes
Some Blueberry Jam

1. Preheat the oven to 200 degree, grease mini muffin pan or use disposable muffin cups.
2. Combine flour and sugar in a bowl, make a well in the center.
3. Whisk butter, milk, egg and vanilla essence in a jar or bowl.
4. Pour butter mixture into flour mixture, add blueberries and gently fold until just combined.(Do not over-mixed and there should be no trace of any dried ingredients)
5. Half fill muffin holes with mixture, top with cream cheese, 1/2 teaspoon jam, cover with some batter about slightly more than 3/4 full.
6. Bake for about 20 minutes, remove from oven and let it rest on tray for 5 minutes.
7. Remove and serve warm. Posted by Picasa


  1. looks good! how does it taste for yours? but i've decided to stop making muffins after knowing it taste more like bread coz i don't really like it :(

  2. Em... it taste soft and light in texutre. But frankly speaking i am not a big muffin fans also... But then since it's easier to make than cake for little one to help up.... i just try making it once in a while.. :)

  3. Hi Ellena,
    It's really aspiring to read ur achievements on trying the food receipes and the bonding you have with Reyon!

    I am a novice, would like to learn more from you!
    I am contemplating to get a decent mixer for my baking projects! Any good recommendations?

    Soya Ng

  4. Hi Ellena,
    I tried this receipe today!
    The raising of the muffin looks funny...I wonder if it has to do with the oven I used.
    I took pictures of the oven and the end product. Can you give me some advise?

    I posted them on my blog:

    Regards, Soya


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Ellena (Cuisine Paradise)
