Monday, 18 May 2015

[recipe] Coconut Banana Bread - 椰子香蕉面包

Today we will be having banana bread that is made with ripe bananas that are sweet and fragrant together with coconut oil and fresh shredded coconut that add in strong coconut flavour without overpowering the taste of the bananas. We love the moist and soft interior of the cake with a slight crisp top that is covered with lightly burnt shredded coconut that adds extra bits for a perfect breakfast or tea choice.


Coconut Banana Bread
This quick bread is very easy to prepare; all you need is to add everything into the mixing bowl, mix well and off it goes into the oven for a good 60 minutes or more depending on the oven temperature. I still remember the wonderful aroma of the banana bread baking in the kitchen while drafting this post and I will definitely bake this again soon to rotate into our weekly breakfast menu.

Oh ya, sorry for the slices above as it might looks a bit crumbs because we can't wait for the cake to cool down completely before cutting it. Overall the texture of the bread is soft and kind of cross between muffin and cake plus the shredded coconut also helps to boost up the taste of each bite.

Ingredients for making coconut banana bread.

(Yield: 14 x 21cm loaf pan | Preparation: 10 minutes | Baking: 60 minutes)

150g plain flour
200g self-raising flour
150g brown sugar
40 fresh shredded coconut
3 medium banana, mashed into 1.5 cup
3 eggs (55g each)
*160ml Grapeseed oil
Extra shredded coconut for toppings

* - I use 120ml Grapeseed + 40ml organic extra virgin coconut oil .

- For Glutton Free Bake:
Coconut Flour can be replaced with wheat flour such as 1/3 cup of coconut flour : 1 cup plain flour.
Therefore for this recipe you would need:
2/3 cup coconut flour + 4 Large Egg + 1/2 cup honey + 2 cup mashed banana.

Step-by-steps on making coconut banana bread.
1. Preheat oven to 160°C (320°F). Grease and floured a 14 x 21cm loaf pan.

2. In a large mixing bowl, sift in flours then stir in sugar, shredded coconut and mashed banana.

3. Next add in eggs and oil mixture then mix it till combined.

4. Transfer the batter into prepared tin, top with extra shredded coconut and bake in preheated oven for 50-60 minutes.

5. Stand cake in pan for 10 minutes before transfer to cooling rack. to cool completely.

椰子香蕉面包是一种快速又容易做的面包。它无须用酵母也不用发酵,你只须将所有的材料混合均匀然后倒入烘盘。接着送进烤箱烤大约60分钟即可享用一片美味可口的椰子香蕉面包了。 而为了增添口感和香味,采用新鲜的椰丝和有机椰油也是必然重要的材料。

(分量: 14x21cm 长方形烘盘 | 准备: 10 分钟 | 烘烤时间: 60 分钟)

150克黑糖 (brown sugar)
* 160毫升葡萄籽油

1.先将烤箱预热到160摄氏度,并在一个14 x 21公分的长方形烘盘四周刷上油后扑好烘焙纸, 备用。



4. 烘烤前在上面洒些额外的椰丝,送进烤箱烘50-60分钟


more Banana Bread recipes....
Banana Coconut Bread

Banana Chocolate Bread

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ellena!! I love this recipe using coconut flakes inside and on top of the banana bread! Looks so delicious!!!


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