Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Eggless Durian Tiramisu

It has being such a long time since my last making of Tiramisu. This yummy dessert is often one of my choices while dinning in most western restaurants if they have this dessert available in their menu section. Today’s recipe is specially made for one of my best friend, whom Rey and I wish to cheer her up by using one of her favorite fruit “Durian” as ingredient. So let’s take get ready and take a look at this Eggless & Sugarless East-West Fusion type of Tiramisu whereby Fresh Durian Paste is used in this recipe.

Tiramisu is one of the most popular Italian cakes whereby Savoiardi is dipped into Strong Coffee then layered with the whipped mixture of Egg Yolk and Mascarpone. But today our ingredients will be slightly different whereby we will use Durian and Chocolate Milk to replace the usual Strong Coffee and Egg Yolk. So I am sure this is a great recipe for durian lover as well as those who don't prefer using raw egg yolk as one of the ingredients.

This is a very simple recipe that you can prepare in the morning and served it as dessert after dinner or during gathering. I am sure everyone will be able to follow the steps and made your very own Tiramisu without any hiccups. If you don’t prefer Durian you can always exchange it with other fruits like mango, strawberry, raspberry or etc just let your imagination run wild……

Ingredients: serves 8
1 Packet of Sponge Fingers (24 savoiardi)
250g Mascarpone
300ml Whipping Cream
300g Fresh Durian Flesh
200ml Chocolate Milk
Dutch Cocoa, for dusting

1. Pour chocolate milk into a shallow dish. Set aside.
2. Beat the durian paste and whipping cream in a large bowl with electric beaters for about 15 seconds till thick and creamy.
3. Add in mascarpone and give it a quick whisk until just combined.
4. Dip Sponge Fingers biscuits, 1 at a time into the chocolate milk then arrange in a single layer over the base of the container. (do not dip the sponge fingers for too long or else it will be too soggy and spoilt the taste of the tiramisu)
5.Cover the biscuits with a layer of the mascarpone mixture and repeat another layer on top, ending with the cream.
6. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 2 hours. Dust generously with cocoa and serve.

~ This recipe can make two 12 x 12 cm square plastic containers.
~ You can Thickened Cream instead of Whipping Cream if you prefer a more creamy texture.
~ Chocolate Milk can be replace with plain low-fat or full cream milk.

So by looking at this….. Are you interested to try out my combination of Tiramisu whereby you can have “Durian + Cheese + Cocoa” together in one dessert :) And most important it is without any trace of Raw Egg and extra Sugar…… And if you are interested in more chocolate and cheese dessert maybe you would like to take a look at this "
Durian Cheesecake With Chocolate Fudge" too! Posted by Picasa


  1. ah pooh bear26/5/10 10:53 pm

    wow...this is simply delicious!!! love it to the max..all my favorite ingredients combined into one!! This will be my favorite tiramisu from now on..hahaha..

    pray hard u will win best food blogger for this year..remember our goal? haha..and i want to go to the awards presentation with you!

  2. Thanks Joyce :) Glad that you like it :p
    Yes Yes!!!! We must cross our fingers and toes k :)

  3. Hi Ellena,
    I like to try the Eggless Durian Tiramisu for my hubby birthday day.Need yr advice if I need to make a 81/2" round spring form.Were I need to double the Ingredients? Were they too soft cause the Ingredients did not hv Geatin.

    Thanks a lot


  4. Hi Lilian,

    Usually only non-baked cheesecake requires adding of Gelatine rather than Tiramisu. I guess as long as you don't soaked the spong finger till too wet, the overall texture will be just great as the cream and durian paste will be able to bind them well.

    But if you wish, you can also add in 1/2 to 3/4 Tablespoon of Gelatine liquid mixture so that you can cut the cake easily.

    Yup... if u are making an 8" cake, you have to double up the ingredients :) Hope you all will love the cake :) Do drop me a note if you do make the cake :)

  5. Ellena!!!!! So gorgeous and thanks for giving me idea on what to make for my friend's birthday! Unfortunately, durian is so expensive when I check out the price in Chinatown yesterday :(

  6. Hi Quinn, thanks for your kind words :) Em... if u can't find durian mb u can try green tea or mango flavour? I am sure it taste great too :p

  7. Hi Ellena
    I have make the Eggless Durian Tiramisu last weekend for my hubby birthday. I make with the 8" spring form but it come out too soft that is not like a cake.Then I have no choice so scoop into the small mould but the taste is very nice.Can advice how to make it like a round cake?


  8. Hi Lilian, I already reply your mail le :) Hope u got it :p

  9. wow, looks so delicious...!!!

  10. Hi,
    Thanks for sharing. I will bookmark this recipe for my husb's birthday :oP

  11. Hi,
    Thanks for sharing. This recipe looks very easy..I will bookmark this for my husb's birthday.


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