Monday, 29 November 2010

Almond And Apple Tea - 苹果杏仁茶

There is always a saying “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”, and apple itself contains high nutritional value, promotes digestion and help to prevent diseases and other functions too. This common fruit which is suitable for all ages often comes in various sizes and varities from different countries. During recent years studies iit also shows that Apple may prevent or reduce food allergies in human too.

Recently I get to learn how to make this drink from one of my boy's classmates granny who loves to boil soups for her family. She shared with us that this soup is good for health in long run and it also helps to prevent cough and cold due to the ingredients used. Above are some collage photos of the ingredients and steps of preparation.

Sweet & Bitter Almonds(南北杏), Apricot Seed
Warm. Influences the lung and large intestine channels. Stops cough and moistens the intestines. Commonly used to treat dry cough and constipation.

Ingredients: (serves 4)
2 - 3 Big Apples, cut into wedges
1 Tablespoon Sweet & Better Almond
1 Piece of Candidate Tangerine
4 Strips of Candidate Winter Melon, optional
1 Knot of Pandan Leave
1.5 Litres of Water

1. Rinse, peel and core the apples then cut them into wedges. (about 6 - 8 wedges per apple)
2. Bring 1.5 litre of water to boil and add in all the ingredient except pandan leaves.
3. When the water comes to boil again, lower the heat and simmer on low heat for about 20 - 25 minutes.
4. Add in pandan leaves at the last 5 minutes then continue to let it simmer.
5. When done turn off the heat, remove the sweet & bitter almond pack and pandan leaves from the pot.
6. Serve warm or cold with the cooked apple as drink or dessert.

~ Spoon the sweet and bitter almond into stock bag and secure it before adding it to cook with the rest of the ingredients.

This is a very refreshing tea that makes you hook on it due to its sweet and sour taste together with the fragrant of the apples and other pairing ingredients used. You can even boiled this tea and consume it as normal daily fluid by having an option to remove the adding of candidate winter melon to reduce the sweetness. And from some research shown Apples can also reduce high cholesterol, blood pressure and at the same time maintain consistent sugar level in the human body. So this quick and easy tea is sure to be a good keeper in most of our family and it also makes a great drink for kids too.


  1. This looks delicious! Love your recipe posts. Have always had a question about boiling fruits in soups though - does the heat destroy the vitamin C? But I guess there is some other transformation that gives benefits...

  2. hi,

    need to add Pandan Leave?


  3. Such a comfort dessert! I wish someone could cook this for me now!

  4. Hi Ling, Yup agreed with you although long cooking time will destory the vit c in fresh fruits/veggies but i guess in another way or so it does help to bring extra flavour and other source of nutritional value perhaps.

    Julia: The adding of pandan leaves is for extra fragrant if you don't have you can omit.

    Grace: This is pretty easy to prepare so u can always put all to boil and serve with 15 minutes or so.

  5. 1 Piece of Candidate Tangerine? Is it normal tangerine or must buy at chinese medical shop?


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