Wednesday, 26 April 2006

Kaffir Lime Leave Chicken

You will sure love this dish if you are a Thai food fans. Because the aroma of this Kaffir Lime Leave will sure infused your dish with wonderful fragrant and taste. Kaffir Lime Leaves are one of the most important ingredients in Thai Cooking. These leaves impart a wonderfully aromatic smell and flavour to, and are an essential ingredient in many Thai recipes. This dish was recommend by one of my blogger friend Tracy who had tried it and gave me a very good feedback about it. So I decided to give it a try as well and indeed this dish will sure be on my re-cook list again. So if you like Thai food, do give this dish a try.....

actually the sauce ingredients which are the spices need to be either pound or blend. But a lazy person like me don't have the traditional pound at home, so what I had done is just finely chopped and grated most of the ingredients to make it an easy homecook meal.....

1/2 Portion Of Chicken, cut into bite size
2 Tablespoons Of Kecap Manis
4 Pieces Of Kaffir Lime Leave, shredded 2 leaves
1 Tablespoon Of Oil

Sauce Spices
3 Candle Nuts (buah keras), pound into powder
1 Teaspoon Coriander Powder
1cm Fresh Ginger, finely grated
5 Shallots, peeled and finely chopped
1 red chilli, peeled and finely chopped

1. Heat the oil in a non-stick pan, stir fry all the spices ingredients and the kaffir lime leaves until fragrant.
2. Add chicken and stir-fry for another 2 - 3 minutes or until slightly brown.
3. Pour in the kecap manis, allow to caramelise then add in about 50ml of water and cook until the chicken is tender.
4. Garnish it with extra shredded Kaffir Lime Leaves and Chillies and serve with rice.

Notes: You can also used chicken fillets or any other parts of the chicken for this dish.

Kecap Manis can be found in any local supermarket like NTUC or Cold Storage under the sauce department.Posted by Picasa

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