It is always a blessing to be able to enjoy one or two of your favourite childhood food and at the same time passed down its traditional value to the younger generations. Here together with my little one I have made a traditional Steamed Egg Cake aka Ji Dan Gao (鸡蛋糕) which is infused with Pandan (screwpine) flavour instead of the plain one that we normally made.
The reason why we made it pandan flavour is because my boy is a big fan of Pandan Chiffon Cake and in order to make him loves this steamed egg cake I decided to add in some pandan paste to enhance the flavour (cover up the egg taste) as well as visual effect.
During my childhood days we used to make this cake using all-purpose flour (plain flour) but nowadays with more choices of flour available you can use replacement flour like cake flour or top flour for better texture. For this recipe, we used Bake King Top Flour which gives the cake a finer and softer cotton light texture when compared to all-purpose flour.
And just for your information, the use of “cream soda” has a similar effect as “baking powder” which helps to raise the cake and gives it a fluffy texture. But you can always replace it with any other brand of soda water which is available in your supermarket too.
So here is our Pandan Flavour Steamed Egg Cake after an hour of beating, mixing and steaming. While making this cake, I share with my boy my childhood stories on how I used to make this without the electric beaters and everything is done manually using hand whisk and charcoal stove. It’s such a fun way to share our story in a different way…..
The reason why we made it pandan flavour is because my boy is a big fan of Pandan Chiffon Cake and in order to make him loves this steamed egg cake I decided to add in some pandan paste to enhance the flavour (cover up the egg taste) as well as visual effect.
During my childhood days we used to make this cake using all-purpose flour (plain flour) but nowadays with more choices of flour available you can use replacement flour like cake flour or top flour for better texture. For this recipe, we used Bake King Top Flour which gives the cake a finer and softer cotton light texture when compared to all-purpose flour.
And just for your information, the use of “cream soda” has a similar effect as “baking powder” which helps to raise the cake and gives it a fluffy texture. But you can always replace it with any other brand of soda water which is available in your supermarket too.
(Make: 5" round cake | Preparation: 15 minutes | Steaming: 30 minutes)
2 Eggs (55g each)
80g Caster Sugar
115g Top Flour, sifted 3 times
1/2 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract
1/2 - 3/4 Teaspoon Pandan Paste
70ml F&N Cream Soda
1. Whisk eggs in a mixing bowl till frothy, add sugar in 3 - 4 batches to ensure it is well incorporated.
2. Continue beating until the batter becomes very pale, thick and creamy together with vanilla extract and pandan paste. (The whole process takes about 12 - 15 minutes using hand mixing on medium speed)
3. Meanwhile heat up wok, pot or steamer until you get a gentle boil. (Do make sure the pot/steamer is large enough to fit the cake tin and has ample space for the batter to rise and steam to circulate.)
4. Fold in sifted flour in three batches, alternating with the F&N cream soda ending with flour.
5. Pour the cake batter into prepared baking tin or bamboo tray that is lined with greaseproof paper.
6. Pop it into the pot/steamer, cover and steamed on high heat for about 30 minutes or when skewer insert and comes out clean.
7. Once done, remove the cake from tin/bamboo tray, place it on a rack and allow to cool before cutting.
2粒鸡蛋 ((每个约55克)
115克 Top Flour
1/2 - 3/4 茶匙香兰香精/膏
70ml F&N 苏打汽水
1) 用高速把鸡蛋打至起很多泡沫。
2) 慢慢分几次加入糖用中速打至浓稠松白 (中间可以加入香草精和香兰香精, 大约需要打10-15分钟左右)。
3) 接着分3次把Top Flour和苏打汽水分别加入拌均。
4) 最后把面糊倒入已铺上玻璃纸的7"圆型竹笼或烘盘里至9分满。
5) 再用大火蒸30-45分钟然后取出等冷却后才切。
~ For the plain version (recipe here), just omit the Pandan paste
I like the fragrance of ji dan gao...